About Us
Wolico Engineering Sdn Bhd is one of the leading CCTV and security product distributors in the Johor Area since 2001. Our trusted experience, combined with the quality and reliability of our integrated systems, allows our valued customers to meet their existing and emerging security challenges.
Wolico products include CCTV System, Alarm Gate, Electrical Wiring, Auto Gate, Door Access System, All kinds of Wiring & SEE MORE.
The DIRECT business model offers countless advantages for our customers. Here are 6 ways the direct model benefits YOU:

High Quality, Lower prices

Knowledgeable support

Guaranteed reliability

Customer-Driven Designs

Latest Technology, Faster

Peace of Mind
If you ever have a query or question for Wolico, do not hesitate to send us an email to wolico@wolico.com.my and we can assure you, all of our customers' enquiries will be dealt with the utmost urgency.